Twice The Temptation - Good Read

I've said it before - Francis Ray has never written a book I did not enjoy - so I was not surprised I was pleased with this collection of 5 short stories I read last week - The Awakening, A Matter of Trust, Sweet Temptation, Southern Comfort, and The Blind Date.

I really enjoy her portrayal of relationships - their complexities and how they always RESPECTFULLY come to a resolution - another thing that catches my attention with her writing is her main female characters. Many of them are virgins until they find "their" one. Although they have been tempted before, they never make the choice to fully indulge until a) marriage or b) when they KNOW this is the man they will stay with forever.

Is this realistic in today's society? Why are young girls so careless with who they lose their virginity to? If you could go back and change your pass, would you have waited? I definitely would have been more cautious with who I entrusted that gift.

I read somewhere single women should not read romance novels because it gives them a skewed image of expectations from their potential partner and their relationship. Being as though I am single and I LOVE romance novels, I took offense to this - was this person trying to tell me romance is dead?! Or are they saying I cannot differentiate between fiction and reality - I know my next relationship will NOT be picture perfect, but I also know I refuse to settle for less than what I deserve - respect, loyalty, trust, and romance will be factored into any relationship I decide to dive into next. Those are things I opt not to sacrifice. What are some things you do to keep the romance in your relationship?

I also find it quite odd how the women in these books always seems to have a dress in their closet on stand by that they can throw on at the last minute. I don't know about every women, but I do know when me and my friends have events to go to, we always have to make a few trips to the mall. Yes, I may have a dress in my closet, HOWEVER, I always want a NEW dress when going to a fancy affair - therefore, something recycled just won't do unless I am borrowing from one of my friend's closets.

If you are up for a good, quick romance read, pick up Twice the Temptation.



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