The Deal, The Dance, and The Devil - Great Read

Victoria Christopher Murray did not fail to disappoint with her latest novel - The Deal, The Dance, and The Devil. I could not put it down and wanted to know what happened immediately.

I loved how the main characters, Adam and Evia (yes, this was a play off of Adam & Eve), were still close with their childhood friends. How many of us today can say we still covet those relationships and have remained a fixture in our friends' lives? Life happens and people grow a part - but Adam and Evia always kept their core group of friends the same and this is something I can admire.

Now the book raised 2 questions for me to propose to you and I am interested in seeing the responses:

1. If your family was subjected to a lay off and could no longer live the lifestyle they were accustomed to, what are the material possessions you would not mind sacrificing?

In the same breath, if you are a parent do your teach your children the importance of the value of money and do they have to work for what they receive (i.e. good grades, behavior, chores) or are they constantly rewarded for no good deeds? Do your children appreciate what it is they have or do they take it for granted?

2. If your boss propositioned you to "have" your husband or significant other for her birthday for 48 hours for 5 million dollars, would you oblige?

See how Adam and Evia handled these circumstances in The Deal, The Dance, and The Devil.



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