Love Me or Leave Me - Fair Read

Hurriedly read Love Me or Leave Me the other night before I went out with Jeannette, so I could return it to the library. Wasn't too impressed - but it wasn't horrible - if I was bored and had nothing else to read, the book serves its purpose.

I find it quite strange when folks say they are too into their career to devote themselves to a relationship. This was Drake Harrington's issue throughout the novel. He did not want his feelings for Pam to hinder his success...and he was already wealthy. I feel like your partner should be there to support you through whatever it is you encounter - yes, they can become a distraction, but with structure, diligence, and a mutual love for each other you can get through anything - personally or professionally. The end. 

Pam's concern with Drake being hesitant to commit was her age and the fact she desired to be a mother. She was 31 years old, successful in her own career, and she desired children. She wanted to have her own, yet she was also willing to adopt if she did not have a man in her life. 

I can definitely relate to this - as I get older (and remain single), I see my window of opportunity to birth children slowly shutting. I always planned on having 2 children and I wanted to have them both by the time I was 27...those days have come and gone, so I guess I need to alter my plan. I don't want to be older than 35 having children. Being young and active with my children is important to me AND the older you are, the more work it is to get the weight off once you give birth. And I refuse to keep those pounds on - I think I would be one of those crazy pregnant women, watching what I ate and working out through my pregnancy, so it shouldn't be too hard afterwards. I REFUSE to just let myself go. 

The number of kids I want has also dwindled - if I have a daughter first, my shop will more than likely close - BUT if I have a son, I would try again soon thereafter. I know, I know - I will love whatever God blesses me with if I ever have children - BUT I NEED a mini-me. 

I also had my children's names picked out - but my names have been stolen by a few people who have already had theirs, so back to the drawing board I go (although there are still some on my list, just no favorites and I guess I would have to consult with my future husband too, huh?!)

I guess until the time comes I will continue to practice with my nephew, cousins, and friends' children. But when will it be my turn?! Geez! Come on Mr. Right - I have plans for us! 



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