The Holiday Season Has Begun

With the start of the holiday season, we hosted our first dinner. My godfather's family came over and we had a good time.

My mom outdid herself with the menu as usual: pulled pork, bbq chicken, roasted chicken, mac and cheese, candied yams, stuffing, potato salad, and string beans. Wooooo - so much food, but I stuck to a few options since I am still recovering from food poisoning.

And of course I did a craft project with the kids - they made ornaments - I forgot to take pics of theirs, but I snapped a photo of the one I made for Price once I cleaned up.

Check out our dessert. Bredenbeck's did not disappoint (we were too tired to attempt to bake) - doesn't the coconut cupcake look like a snowflake with the glitter painted on?! And of course I had to get the holly sugar cookies - MY FAVORITE holiday decoration. I wonder why...

I hope you all had a good weekend - I sure enjoyed mine - if this is any indication of what the next few weekends leading up to the holiday will look like, I need to rest up.



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