Final Curtain Call...

today was the day - the last airing of One Life to Live...EVER. I have had this weird feeling in my stomach the past few days - knowing it was coming to an end. I have been reading every blog, interview, and tweet in regards to the demise of this great part of (my) history - everyday (as of late) I have cried along with the story lines and as it seemed to keep getting better and better I would think to myself, it cannot really be ending. I thought I was preparing myself, but I still do not think I was ready to say good bye.

I woke up shocked my mom really went to work - I had asked her a million times to take off since they announced the final air date a few months ago - so I grabbed a box of tissues - put on my cozy bath robe - grabbed a bottle of water - and parked myself in the family room (to have a solo viewing party) anxiously waiting for The View's One Life to Live tribute show at 11am and then 2pm to see how the residents of Llanview's lives would come to an early demise. 

How could ABC take this show off the air after 43 years?! (Do they really think The Revolution will pull in the same viewing numbers?! I for one will NOT tune in just because of principle.) It is hands down my FAVORITE soap opera and I have grown with it - I remember not being allowed to be in the same room while the show was airing when I was a child because of the adult topics - I could not wait until I was old enough to watch alongside my mom - I remember when I used to watch the VHS tapes after school with my mom or when I used to watch in between classes during college or when I would watch the whole week on SoapNet when I began working full time or how I scheduled Khloey's and Price's naps so that I could watch One Life to Live with NO interruptions - yes, it was always that serious. 

Fans were given a false hope when Prospect Park announced they would move OLTL to become an online series. I was more than delighted because I did not have to really say good bye to the characters I had grown to love. BUT then they realized it cost more money to produce a soap than they projected and pulled the plug on this project...after OLTL had taped it's final show. Endings were changed to support it being back on air in a month - it would have been nice if they could have known ahead of time to give the viewers their ultimate farewell. 

Nevertheless, I LOVED the ending - I really wish I could see how the cliffhanger pans out, but I guess I will have to be content knowing some of the One Life to Live characters will now join General Hospital in an attempt to enhance that soap opera (wouldn't it be great if they all could join?!) - although I have a strong suspicion it will also be cancelled since they have another talk show (Katie Couric) slated for the 3pm time slot towards the end of the year. Is this the beginning of the end of this particular genre?

Since I am in a Dr. Seuss state of mind planning Price's birthday party, I will part with this - don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened - and with that THANK YOU One Life to Live for entertaining me for a countless number of years - now I just have to figure out how to adapt to this change. Any suggestions???

For now, I will keep it on my DVR and watch the final week as often as I like. 



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