"Don't worry about it. I'll take it from here."

What a busy Saturday - I ended the evening by going to see Safe House with my father - let's mention how my brother wanted to see the movie as well, however, according to him, it is considered lame to go to the movies with his father and sister - he said he was sure he could get a date. *shrugs* 

As I watched Ryan Reynolds on screen, I was remembered of the whole People "Sexiest Man of the Year" controversy. This year it went to Bradley Cooper. There was an uproar because many people believed Ryan Reynolds should have won this year. Simmer down folks. I guarantee Ryan Reynolds will get it next year and in the meantime let's just enjoy the eye candy both of these men provide. Sheesh. 

I love seeing these type of movies with my dad because I can bombard him with questions afterwards in regards to if these things really take place within the government - man oh man - I am always amazed by the sneaky tactics exhibited. This was a great movie and as I was walking out firing off questions, I checked my text messages - I had missed many...didn't believe what I was reading so immediately took to google and then twitter for confirmation...and as we turned on the car Whitney Houston was playing on EVERY station - this was a bad sign - it was in fact true - she was found dead in her hotel while I was in the movies.

I could not put a finger on how I felt immediately - but social media was pissing me off - why condemn the dead for their actions and say it was only a matter of time - we are all human and we all make mistakes - therefore, who are we to judge. No matter what they take from me, they cannot take my dignity. And furthermore, what about her family and friends who now have to deal with the fact their loved one was taken too soon. My thoughts and prayers are with her family. And I also could not help but feel anxious for the Grammy producers - they have less than 24 hours to come up with a fitting tribute to one of the greatest singers. Jennifer Hudson and Chaka Khan have been coined as the performers - I personally would have liked to see Beyonce fly in - I also kind of wanted Monica to perform - although her and Brandy were too upset at Clive Davis' party last night to perform. 

When I awakened Sunday morning, I tuned in to the coverage on both VH1 and BET. I somehow had to peel myself from bed to make breakfast (at noon) - I wanted to try a new recipe. With Whitney Houston blaring and me singing my heart out (like I can carry a tune), I got to work and it was oh so yummy! 

After eating this, I definitely have to go attack the treadmill in a few - cannot wait to see how the tribute pans out - maybe we will have some surprise performers. RIP Ms. Whitney Houston



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