Made With Love

so yesterday was the day I had been envisioning in my head a year ago exactly...let's brother had a baby - but not just any baby - he had a BOY! Imagine my dismay as I tried to figure out what I was going to do with him to have fun - give me a niece and the ideas would have flowed endlessly (my friends have sons and I have no problem playing with them, but that is only hours on end - my nephew would be around a lot, I needed  a game plan and quick) - so on Feb 4, 2011 as I was driving him home from the hospital to finally shower after his son was born and he waited for almost 2 days (intense labor, right?!) - I had a "light bulb" - I was going to throw Price the best Dr. Seuss 1st Birthday party - that is unisex, agreed?! I believe reading is fundamental for all children's development and I planned on starting him early (hence our weekly trips to the library) - so Dr. Seuss just seemed perfect. I told him right then and there and his response was "Holly, you have a whole year - how are you talking about birthday parties already?!" Silly Collin! He knows how I operate - I start envisioning my actual concept and then I go from there.

Next was getting the perfect location. I wanted a place where the kids could play freely - and since I had a wide age range (3 months to 10 years old), this presented a problem. Thankfully, Candice Love opened up Made With Love Cafe and Playhouse. I went to see the location and immediately fell in love. There were lots of toys for all age groups to play with - there was even a video game room for the older kids. And it was an open space - so the kids could just have a ball - and that they did. Candice and Marnita were the perfect hosts! And parents if you need to get some work done on your laptop - this would be the perfect internet cafe if you have your children - they can play or watch tv, while you utilize their wifi to get down to business. I definitely plan on taking the kids back in the future! 

Anyways, back to planning - if you have ever met Price, then you would know he is very temperamental. He is so loving to me and gives me lots of hugs and kisses. HOWEVER, when he is in a mood - you will know it (you may want to run for cover too). I began preparing him for his upcoming birthday a month ago - I first introduced him to his Dr. Seuss hat he had to wear during ice cream and cake. He has the tendency to pull his hats right off - so he would wear it around the house and play with it and guess what?! When I put it on him at the party, he did not take it off! He even got up on a chair and allowed people to take countless pictures of him while I prepared the cake for everybody to sing to him. Such a ham! (I guess this is a result of me constantly having a camera in his face - he is totally accustomed to it at this point and will just give you a pose.) Price also was allowed to play with his favor boxes and do some of the shopping leading up to the party. I let him pick out his bday banner and we also started doing a birthday dance. I even began singing "Happy Birthday" so he would know to get excited when people sang to him on his actual birthday - instead of crying. Price was on perfect behavior at his party - he attempted to give out kisses, he tried to hug Mia and ended up tackling her (Mia is 10 days younger than him), and he played!!! Price was so busy with all the toys at the place, he would not sit still. Look at me! Look at me! Look at me now! It's fun to have fun but you have to know how... I loved that he thoroughly enjoyed himself - and was awake the whole time.

The hardest element of this party was coming up with the perfect menu. I figured most children would have eaten lunch by 2pm - so they only needed snacks. HOWEVER, their parents would be there - and my mom  is a firm believer they should have something to eat - I agree with that too, but figured since it wasn't going to be a long party we could forgo it. This menu was not finalized until late Thursday evening - 2 days before the party. YIKES! I have never cut anything so close before. But here's what we had: Yertle's Fried Turtles (fried wing dings), Schlott's Knots (pretzel bites), There's A Wocket in my Pita Pocket (mini sandwiches), Truffula Fruits (fruit platter with dip), Dr. Seuss's ABC cookies, Thing 1 and Thing 2 Cupcakes, Dr. Seuss themed cake (one cake was vanilla - the other chocolate chip), and Pink Ink Yink Drinks (a pink lemonade based punch).

THANK YOU to everyone who came to help us celebrate Price's bday - THANKS Candice for allowing us to be the first to host a party at your place - THANKS to those who could not make the party but loves Price so much they dropped off gifts ahead of time (Uncle Derrick, Uncle Troy, Aunt Mamie) - THANKS mom and dad for all the runs and helping me set up - THANKS Gena for making the fabulous cake, cupcakes, and cookies - THANKS Adeana for making the chicken. AND THANKS Price for just being you - Today you are you that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you...

Now time for the best part - my favorite pictures from Price's Seussville party.

Sienna and Deja

Adult Favors

Auntie, put me down - I have things to do

Price attacking Danielle - she loves it. LOL!


Hi Mia! 

My godsister Deja

My godbrother Daunte

Mom and Uncle Mike

Deja and Sie Sie coloring

Danielle, I want that doll!

Almost cake time! 


My godsister Danielle

I'm here - time to start the party! 

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Me and Yells

Yells and Mom Mom

These legos are serious business!

Pop Pop - Collin convinced him to come! 

BROOKEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I love those boots! 

Mea, Wenter, and Wendell

It's my party and I pout if I want to

Little Ms. Kendall

Poppi and the munchkin

This is my balloon - if only I could hold onto it



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