Spell Check - It Works Folks

One of my biggest pet peeves = spelling and grammatical errors. It doesn't matter if it is a tweet, text, email, blog, facebook post, book, article, etc - as soon as I eye an error, I kind of do not want to even finish reading what was written. I personally feel the person did not have enough respect for their work to proofread it for errors, so why should I waste my time.

What happens when you begin corresponding with a high profile company you want to work for and their emails are littered with these same errors???? All email systems have a spell check - and the errors made, my 11 year old cousin knows better. I could not help but to feel insulted. I did not want to respond, but I am not in a position to correct someone since they have a job and they are in a position to decide if I get one there. I first thought was this a test to see if I would correct their errors, since I was applying for a writing position - but I did not want to offend and have the person think negatively about me before the actual interview. I also began to question - is this a company I really wanted to work for - if they can send emails that lacked quality to potential employees (since they have to sell themselves to you too), what are they sending to their clients? Not an impression you want to leave with anyone.

My brother tends to think I am dramatic and as long as I can decipher the message, then I should not complain. His mindset is due to him being an auditor - as long as his numbers add up, everything is right in his world - in my world, words = numbers - if they are wrong then it "doesn't foot" (terms from his auditing world) and all I see is red.



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