Happy Mommy's Day With Love

It is such a beautiful Sunday (as I sit on the patio typing this blog - this will now be my office for the coming months) - and more importantly, it's Mother's Day - a day designated to show our appreciation to the women who gave us birth and whose influence helped shape who we are today. Much love and appreciation to both my mom and grandmother, 2 strong, independent women I admire and adore; and to my Auntie and cousin Lisa.

 As I was driving on Friday this came on in the car -

and I began my personal concert since the radio kept playing songs I love. I know I am not the only one who does this - lol.

Today has been a day of leisure for my mom - Price awakened her at 7:30 with her gift.

We then came downstairs to make her breakfast - home made cinnamon rolls, sausage, and eggs - (you think if I teach Price to cook, he will in turn teach his parents?! LOL!) and I immediately threw together a blueberry cobbler (Paula Deen's recipe) for dessert while everyone else dined. 

My dad took my mom's car to get washed and the next stop - the supermarket, where I kept laughing at all the last minute men buying items for dinner. My dad commented, so what's your excuse - I told him HIM and YELLS, duh! I cannot think of EVERYTHING all the time - as expected, we are grilling dinner...steaks are marinating, chicken tenders seasoned, corn on the cob prepped, and I just have to throw together a garden salad...and for lunch - buffalo chicken dip. Yum! 

Check out this hilarious tweet from my brother: 

Anyways, HAPPY MOMMY'S DAY to all of you fabulous mommies out there (including my friends) - take time to relax and just enjoy your day and allow others to pamper you. Jennifer said it best, we can only hope to emulate your greatness when we have kiddies of our own. 

Now let me get off this laptop and go spend time with my mom - at 9pm Desperate Housewives SERIES FINALE comes on, I have to make sure I am in bed with my glass of wine (why didn't I pick up the stuff for sangria?!), tissues (for my tears), and maybe some cobbler - what I do know is that Linette and Tom better not really get a darn divorce! Nope! Not allowed! 

Happy Mother's Day Ladies. Enjoy. XOXO



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