Guest Blogger (Lisa) - Revisiting 30...17 Years Later

Lisa is a great older cousin. We may not see each other often, but I do know if I shoot her an email, she is always quick to respond and always has great advice to share. I may not have cousins I grew up with who are my age (besides Adia and Ebony), however, I love having older women in my family I admire and I can count on. Their insight is sometimes needed and crucial to my own development in dire situations. I can only hope my younger female cousins look at me in the same manner and that my mentoring can steer them away from the mistakes I made growing up. THANK YOU Lisa for always being there. I appreciate your existence in my life and you are so much fun to be around. And THANKS for the early birthday wishes. XOXO

Hmmm, 30…I remember it well…SIKE! I was 17 when you were born! That thought cracks me up!J Fast forward…30 years later, how proud am I to have such a caring, intelligent, beautiful, compassionate, loving daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, aunt, woman in my family. My reflections on 30 may seem a bit corny but I can only tell you my truth. Reflecting back, here is where I was…married for 6 years, mother of a 2 year old, pregnant with my second child, working a job that I was extremely good at but bored me to tears. Thank God there was JOY in my life from other sources because it wasn’t from my job. While I have honestly never tripped over getting a year older (I truly don’t understand that), I felt I was selling myself short by not using my talents. I was full of excuses as to why “now” was not the time to change career lanes. Looking back though,  those years of career uncertainty made me a better mother and mentor. I encourage everyone to love what they do and do what they love! For sure though, at 30 I was finally on my way to feeling like a full fledged G-R-O-W-N WOMAN! Yes, on my way…Dearest, if you haven’t already, I encourage you to embrace the beauty of 30 and beyond. There is liberation in leaving your 20’s behind and embracing all that lies ahead. For me words are everything, there is real power behind them. I would like to share some of my favorite quotes/personal thoughts (31 to be exact) that I have compiled to date across my life journey. They guide me through on any given day. I picked them at random, trusting that God would lead me to share with you what He wanted you to hear from me. Think of them as candles on your yummy birthday cake, one for every year lived plus one for good luck -- that’s old school birthday style! J
1)      “Act the way you want to be and soon you will be the way you act!” This quote has been attributed to several people. I got it from one of Iyanla Vanzant’s books and it is so true.
2)      Never refuse a hug from someone you love, even if you have had a disagreement, hugs have healing powers and you don’t know if it will be the last time you get to hug them.
3)      NEVER pass up an opportunity to dance, dance dance!
4)      “The grace of God won’t lead you to where the will of God won’t sustain you.”     --Author Unknown – Amen to that!
5)      My mother, Edith Elaine Smith, used to always say: “Make people pick a temperature with you…hot or cold…don’t let people be lukewarm” (sometimes nice, sometimes nasty)…or as Maya Angelou put it --“When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.” It saves you so much frustration!
6)      God is…why EVERYTHING of course. I have tried Him and seen what He has done in my life, so trust and believe He is an awesome wonder to behold!
7)      Don’t save clothes for a special occasion, if it felt good buying it, it will feel even better wearing it. Saving something for a special occasion is silly. Treat everyday day as a special occasion, when you do the JOY will naturally gravitate to you!
8)      Remember, if you wake up, breathing on your own, body intact AND you are in your right mind it is a STUPENDOUS DAY!
9)      And if some or none of number 8 is true on any given day, THANK God anyway because He has it all in control!
10)  Be a good girlfriend, when they need a sympathetic ear, lend one, a prayer partner, stand in the gap with them, a soft but strong shoulder, provide one, the truth, tell them, when they need a ride or die, down and dirty, oh hell no, make the plan but make sure a great martini, margarita, Bellini or two, three…you get the point…gets in the way before you can go through with the devious plan…she’ll thank you in the morning and it makes for great laughs years later!
11)  “Accept your defeats with your head held high, eyes wide open, with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child”-Veronica A. Shoffstall
12)  Celebrate those that show up, do not fret over those who do not. It is disrespectful to those that show up.
13)  Hold steadfast to your dreams! NEVER EVER give up on them!
14)  God constantly talks to us. He is that whisper we sometimes shoo away. Pay attention to the whisper. It’s so much easier to just let God have His way!
15)  Everything that feels good ain’t good for you. You know that TLC song “don’t go chasing waterfalls, please stick to the river and the lakes that you’re used to. So much common sense truth in that statement. Yes, we all want to sometime explore that “greener grass”, however remember, when you sacrifice your moral compass you pay dearly.
16) the event you do walk off the “straight and narrow” don’t think you can’t simply STOP what you’re doing and turn around. So simple…there’s that common sense again.
17)  “Having a vision for what you want is not enough! Vision without execution is hallucination!” - Edison
18)  Be kind to your mother. Not only is it the right thing to do, you really should know she understands more then you give her credit for. She is a woman after all and she has a story too. The longer I live the more I understand my mother. I like to believe that when we finally mature enough to see our parents as people and realize how at different times in their lives they had wants, dreams, desires and goals that had to be altered because they became parents, it can be that AHA! where finally we can give them a pass on whatever slight we thought they exacted on us as children.
19)  And even if you are not ready to embrace #18 you are now grown and get to “say so” over your own life so “say so” and keep forging ahead with the life you want and dream!
20)  “Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test and no matter how you feel, speak the word and you will be healed, speak over yourself, encourage yourself, in the Lord”-Donald Lawrence
21)  …or as Ledisi put it…“Bravo…Clap for yourself”. It is so very important to give yourself a “pat on the back”.
22)  Another nugget from my mom…“NEVER pass up the chance to give someone a genuine compliment or smile, it costs you nothing and just might change the course of their day!”
23)  One more from Edie…“never think you are better then someone or beneath someone! To do so promotes pride, jealousy and prejudice.”
24)  LEARN to accept a compliment. Don’t diminish the goodwill of a kind word with some negative dig on yourself. A genuine, gracious thank you is in order and will suffice.
25)  “If you cannot hear the sound of the genuine in you, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.”-Howard Thurman
26)  Learn to actively listen and give your full attention. Everyone has a story.
27)   FORGIVE, Yourself and others.
28)  “Work hard. Be kind.” – Jack Kelly and I will add, be grateful. “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all the others.” -- Cicero
29)  The minute you settle for less then you deserve, you get even less then you settle for.” – Author unknown…Know you are worthy of all things good.
30)  “It is always the simple that produces the marvelous!”--Amelia Barr
31)  Happy 30th Birthday Holly! May you be blessed with at least 30 x 30 more!

Love, your cousin,
© June 2012



  1. I love, love, love this! Thanks for having Lisa write it, and you for publishing it!!XO


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