July Reads

I feel like I was just writing this blog for June and now it's July - this summer is flying by - sheesh! Slow down - I am not quite ready to be 30 yet! Here are my 8 books from July - which brings me to 63 for the year. 

I finally got my hands on Brenda Jackson's latest Madaris Family book Courting Justice. I have been waiting to see how things unfolded between Peyton and DeAngelo for years. Mrs. Jackson has been building their coupling up for a few books and I must say I was not disappointed. I could definitely relate to Peyton's anxiety about turning 30 and her feelings expressed mirror my own. My brother likes to remind me how many days I have left, so I won't forget...less than 3 months now. YIKES!

Beverly Jenkins' A Wish and A Prayer  is the latest release in her Blessings Series - and I loved it as much as the other 3. Highly recommended.

Mistress Inc. is Niobia Bryant's latest release in her Text Messages from a Mistress series. I never cared for Jessa and didn't care to follow her story - the only reason why I had to read this book was to revisit the other women and see how things were progressing in their lives. An ok read.

Always Something There to Remind Me by Beth Harbison left me puzzled. I just cannot fathom a high school boyfriend being the ultimate love of my life. You have no idea what love is at that impressionable age - so how can those relationships impact how you react in new ones when you are more mature and set in who you are as a person. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this read..

I liked Allison Winn Scotch's The Song Remains the Same. Although at times it pissed me off - but hey, good books evoke an emotional response. Two quotes stood out to me in this book:

  • People change. And you know that. It's the not wanting to do the work involved that makes us complacent, and it's that complacency that renders us right back where we started. 
  • Your dreams are your dreams. Sometimes you compromise yourself to get there. Show me someone who isn't guilty of that, and I'll show you someone who never dreamed in the first place. 
The First Husband by Laura Dave was such a cute book - cute in the sense that EVERY woman has been there and EVERY woman has had a friend who had to come rescue her from a bad break up - and what do all of our friends tell us?! GET OUT THERE AND DATE to get overour ex. But what happens when your best friend is your ex's sister and you instantly fall in love with another man, yet you still haven't determined who you are as a woman and what you want/ expect out of life and your partner. This was a quick easy read - one that made me grateful for the friends I always have in my corner no matter what and who aren't scared to tell me when I am wrong even if it means I will get a little attitude.

A Dangerous Kiss is the last book in Francis Ray's Kiss series. This is the one book I waited for the most because I was anxious to see how Payton and Summer's relationship progressed - I always knew from the first book they would be together. Not to mention I needed to know Payton's secret - Mrs. Ray did not disappoint and I highly recommend all 3 books in this series.

Surrender My Heart by Kayla Perrin was an ok read - I am now interested in reading the other 2 Hart sister books so we shall see if this is a solid series or not. Favorite quote from this book, "There's no point in crying over a man who didn't value you. Soon enough, you'll meet the man you're meant to be with."



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