Summer Time Blues

These past few days have been mentally and emotionally draining. I find myself needing time to regroup so I can focus on my overall goals without being clouded in the process. Or maybe that is an issue I need to address - why do I feel the need to be so detail oriented to a fault that I over analyze EVERYTHING?! I know nothing is perfect, but why can't I strive for it anyway?! I need to learn how to let go and sometimes just go with the flow...everything in life can't be planned, right?! 

Like my spontaneous trip to the beach this week with Janae to work on my tan. It had faded since I have been hibernating in the central air and I love my sun-kissed skin in the summer. BUT why didn't anyone warn me about the seagulls?! They totally freaked me out swooping all low. I was so scared I was going to get pooped on. 

And check out this little love bug I cuddled with all day on Friday. Isn't she just precious?! 

Even though I am spent, I cannot overlook the amazing support I always have in my corner - they allow me to vent, cry, scream; they drink wine with me; and when I want to indulge in pity parties they do NOT allow it - they make sure I focus on the positive, remind me how amazing I am and how much I have to offer, and they also make sure I begin to restructure a new plan of action. They do not let me stray off course. And for that - I am thankful. Not sure where I would be without them. 

Now Pricey is coming to give his auntie some kisses and bring me some water, he always loves on me just right and is so helpful. Talk to you all soon. 



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