Summer Flicks Report Card

There are lots of great movies coming out this summer - and as you all know I am a movie buff. I love to see the latest releases and I am always up for a movie date.

Alicia and I RAN to see Magic Mike opening weekend - this was her first time away from her bambina and we must say it was time well spent. I was impressed with Channing Tatum's performance throughout the entire movie - I will never look at the song Pony the same way and I definitely loved his version of "something different" in his black outfit. Ya know what?! When the prequel comes out, I will be there - AND I will also be seeing the live performance on Broadway. Girls trip anyone?! The more the merrier! My only disappointment is that we didn't have the experience some NYC theater movie goers had - they actually had men in their theaters dancing, hosting, and serving up cocktails - come on Philly - step up your game! That would have def made the ultimate girls day for us.
My rating for Magic Mike: A++++

I am not a huge Madea fan, but my parents are and they wanted to see Madea's Witness Protection and they were going to the Movie Tavern - so you know I was on board. Surprisingly this movie provided a good comedic relief and I was entertained along with my great drink & dinner - what more could this girl ask for?!
My rating for Witness Protection: B

Then there was Ted - this movie looked hysterical so me and Ayana went to see it - I believed I would have been laughing the entire time - but a lot of the funny parts were released in trailers - it wasn't horrible - I just could have waited for this to come out on DVD or on cable. I think the part that disturbed me the most was the fact that parents took their children to see this movie AND these said kids (about 5 or 6) knew what weed was and shouted while laughing the characters were smoking weed. Excuse me parents, how do your minor children know what weed is - what are you subjecting them to? I was appalled.
My rating for Ted: C

Now I still have to see Spider Man, Savages, The Dark Knight Rises, and maybe even Brave if Khloey hasn't seen it yet. I am also excited about the August release of The Bourne Legacy - I am anxious to see how this movie will play out without Matt Damon. And did you know Taken 2 will be released in October - I love Liam Neeson as an actor. My only question is: where are all my chic flicks for the summer?! I love romance! I guess I will have to just fill up on action.

What movies are you most excited about this summer?



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