Guest Blogger (Jeannette) - Dear Future Husband

A lot of my friends are married - yet some of us are still single. Our married friends tend to ask us do we know what we want or they claim we are too picky - which led me to start composing a letter to my future husband - I am still working it out - you know making it perfect (my flaw I cannot rid myself of), in the mean time here is Jeannette's letter. I will post mine in a few days. 

To my dear future husband,

I've kissed plenty of toads before you came along and have had my share of heartaches. So much so you must be really special to make it this far. First thing is always keep God first, we will most certainly need his help to make it. I know you're gonna lie, but be man enough to admit the truth once caught and love me enough to fix it. I know I may dislike a friend or two of yours - keep them away from me and out of our business. I need you to be my rock. Hug me when I come home and give me a back rub when I've had a long day. I'm a hopeless romantic - a few flowers, dinner, and gifts will go a long way. Oh and I like sex so take your viagra if need be cause we fittin to have a lot of long nights. I promise to keep it "interesting". Don't take my kindness for weakness and don't abuse my trust. Stay loyal to me as I will to you. I will stand behind you and support all your endeavors, cook your dinners and keep the house semi clean (may need a maid for help, I'm a working woman). I'm a simple girl - keep me laughing and you will forever have my heart.

                                                                                                   Your Impatiently Waiting Wife



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