Where Has the Time Gone?!

Yesterday Price was officially 18 months - I cannot believe I have been an auntie that long and he is half way to 2!!! AND I have no ideas for a birthday party...yet. 

In typical Holly (and mema) fashion, we decided he deserved a "party" of some sort to celebrate the occasion which started with my mom hyping him up for his day. He was so excited and screaming & clapping. 

He even went to the store to pick out some new bubbles (since he loves to spill them - if anyone knows where I can get a bubble gun let me know - I cannot find one anywhere) and what's a celebration without cupcakes?! And of course we pulled out the pool and his picnic table to have some fun in the sun while auntie worked on maintaining her tan. (I want my skin to still appear sun-kissed for my birthday, too much to ask?! I think not.)

Play time

Ahhhh is this a new kind of cupcake?! I think I like funfetti too! 

He talks with his hands when he gets excited now - I think we may have some Italian in our blood too

That sure was good

What do you mean I cannot have another one right now?! 
Price also got his first hair cut this weekend. I hear it was a fight tooth and nail, he had to be held down by both of his parents, and he kept knocking the barber's hand away whenever he managed to get a hand free. But it sure was worth the results - look at how cute he is!!! 

Now if you know me, you know what's next for Price and I hope he is as excited and motivated as I am - that's right: POTTY TIME!!!! It typically took 3 to 4 days for my girls to get the hang of it, but since he is a boy he can have 6 months. However, diapers have to go by the time he turns 2. I hope he's up for it! 



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