10 Days to 30 - It's the Little Things

I kept encountering something and it rubbed me the wrong way - somehow people got the impression if they bought me nice things then a) their wrong doing would be forgiven or b) this gave them an unlimited pass to favors. Ummmmmmmmmmm I can NOT be bought and I do not know why people would even think this. Sure I like nice things, but there are other things I value more.

I love getting dressed up and going to fancy events and I am definitely in my element, but I love it even more when I am at home lounging in comfy clothes w/ my hair in a ponytail just enjoying a book or quality time with my family and friends.

What girl doesn't love nice gifts?! But I would prefer something meaningful which showed you really put thought into it and took me into consideration when getting/making the gift. Maybe a cd of a compilation of songs that make you think of me or describe our relationship. I would love that! And you know what I would admire even more - loyalty, integrity,  honesty, and respect. These things definitely make me swoon.

And of course I love nice dates - but I am such a simple girl - pizza and french fries make me giddy along with maybe a walk in the park or along somewhere scenic.

At this point in my life, it's the little things that bring me the most joy and I will be sure to relish in every moment presented. Live. Laugh. Love.



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