17 Days to 30 - Transformation

Over the past few months I have realized something - it is quite all right to tell people no and not feel bad about it. I used to hate telling people no and as a result I feel like more people came to me for favors because they knew even if it inconvenienced me, I would find a way to make it happen. Now if I don't feel like doing something, I am quick to decline and you know what?! They find a way to get it done. I had to let others' lack of planning and initiative stop resulting in priorities in my world. I deserved to be a tad bit selfish and focus on myself for awhile.

I also discovered it isn't considered bitchy if you really tell people how you feel about something as long as you do it tactfully and without malicious intent. I used to bite my tongue all the time as a means to protect other's feelings, but not anymore. I want everyone around me to succeed and sometimes they may not like what I have to say, but it will give them something to reflect on and hopefully make a positive change to do better for themselves.

For the record, I did attempt to publish this last night - I hit post from my cell and never went back to verify and apparently it did not go through - let's chalk it up to the multiple glasses of wine aboard the Spirit of Philadelphia along with the Cupid Shuffle. 



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