18 Days to 30 - Back in the Swing of Things

Apparently I have been out of the game for awhile, because as soon as I throw on a little dress, some make up, and HIGH heels the compliments start flowing in (more than normal I should say) -

I walk outside to talk to Lauren and one of our neighbor says, "You going to cause some trouble tonight".
My mom comes home and she says, "Nice legs".
I walk to the car and my girlfriend says, "Well excuse me, she's back".

All I did was chuckle, throw on my Hollywood walk, smile, and say "well thank ya kindly" - we all know my confidence has never been something I lacked.

It's hard chasing after a baby in 6 inch heels folks and for the record I never fell off - I guess I was a tad bit too casual for you all - too much jeans and maxi dresses, huh?! Well, I have started a new job - I am back into attending networking/charity events, Price starts daycare ON MY birthday, AND Libra season starts in 2 days.

The old me has been unleashed and I must say I feel refreshed and brand new. My friends may have been right - I have a lot more fun when I get off of 7153 and socialize a bit.

Now I have to go to bed - I have another event tomorrow night - after I go to work all day.

Oh yeah wanted to share a little tid bit from the event tonight. One of the honorees said something poignant - something I have been thinking of a lot - ignorance to failure will be what helps someone succeed. If you never accept the concept of failing at your dream, then you will have no doubts about your goals. Sleep on that and do not be afraid to dream.

Good night folks.



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