Khloey's Enchanted Forrest

Sooooooooooo Mochs decided she wanted a sleepover for her 5th birthday - princess themed (since she couldn't decide who she wanted to be until the day before her party) - and of course I HAD to oblige - my baby gets what she wants for her birthday!!!

I think Khloey operated under the pretense "it's my party, I can cry if I want to" because she was in full diva mode filled with lots of "fun" brat attacks.

Overall the party was a success complete with princess puzzles, books, movies, spa night, and old fashioned games outside - we even did "jump in, jump out" for our icebreaker which seemed to work because then the girls were all ready to play with each other. Mochs even got her goldfish she requested from Brookee.

Here are some pics from the festivities. HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY MOCHS!!!!



  1. That is an amazing amount of children for a sleep over! However did did you contend with that many overnight?


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