5 Days to 30 - I'll Always Love My Mama...

she's my favorite girl.

Rewind back 5 years ago and I may have been singing a different tune - hell, rewind back to high school and I guarantee I was blasting and singing along to Salt N' Pepa's "Somebody's Getting On My Nerves" in reference to an argument we engaged in. Those days were intense to say the least.

Aries and Libra - the combo can either be harmonious or toxic - I had to learn how to be more respectful and to not mumble things as I stomped up the steps and slammed my bedroom door; I also had to understand the depth's of a mother's love and protection - a mother will fight until the day she dies for her child and if she feels something is harmful for her child, she will do everything in her power to guard them from any pain - no matter how old you are, you will always be your mother's baby and sometimes they see things you do not. At times I may not have appreciated the interference and felt as though it was my life, my decisions - but then she was right - and I was hurt, yet she was always there helping me to pick up the pieces and to get over my pain.

It has taken time, work, and lots of conversation, but I am now proud to say me and my mother have a great relationship. As much of a daddy's girl that I am, I now feel as though me and my mother are closer. There are things I can talk to her about, that are not father appropriate - and when I am talking to her, I know she is paying attention and I will not have to repeat it 5 days later.

I am  forever grateful for her constant presence in my life and for everything she has taught me - some of these things include: manners and being grateful; women are not inferior to men and they can be successful in both careers and family life simultaneously; always greet people with a firm hand shake (especially a man); go after what it is you want with proper planning and determination; exude your strength & confidence in all aspects of life and always look your best; don't allow people to see you sweat - build on your weaknesses and always be willing to learn new skills; speak up for yourself; stay alert and don't allow people to take advantage of you. The list can go on forever, but you get my drift. I can only hope to be as great a mother to my children someday.



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