October Reads

I only read 3 books this month taking my yearly total to 79.

Brenda Jackson's Texas Wild was my type of read. I could totally relate to Megan Westmoreland on many levels and according to Jeannette & Shana I should indulge in some Philadelphia Wild. STAT.

Another Piece of My Heart by Jane Green took me weeks to finish - not because it was a horrible book, but because I have not found time to read outside of work. Being a mother one day is very important to me - I could not imagine when I was finally "ready" (I know there is never a perfect moment to try, but you know what I mean) to embark on that chapter of my life not being able to conceive. Devastated wouldn't even begin to describe how I would feel. And I doubt I would find complete happiness in raising someone else's child. But that's me. How Andi deals with this is admirable.

There is a part that resonated with me: You're giving her total control of your mood. Try detaching from her. She is who she is, which is nothing to do with you. You didn't cause her mood, you can't control it, and you certainly can't cure it. 

Sylvia Day's Bared to You - not sure what to say about this book without saying too much. I am waiting for Amber to read it so I can discuss and I don't want to spoil it for her. What I will say is I am now sitting here contemplating who more intrigues me - Christian Grey or Gideon Cross...I definitely think I prefer Eva over Anastasia. I have to get the sequel to better formulate my opinion on the leading men.



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