Guest Blogger (Charrese) - Lessons Learned

I guess I have to let you in on a little secret now - I was a Girl Scout for over 12 years of my life. I started when I turned 5 and my mom made me stick with it all the way through college because it looked good on my college resume. Now that I am older and can reflect, I must say it was a great experience to gain independence, build friendships and conflict resolution (my mouth always got me in trouble), domestic skills, and it prepared me for life. I met Charrese when I was 5 as a Brownie. We lost touch as we got older (since she dropped out ), but thanks to facebook we reconnected. Charrese and I used to have the times of our little lives camping (YES I USED TO CAMP, you couldn't pay me to do it now though) and going on trips without our parents. Believe it or not, EVERY TIME we went away I would get home sick, cry, and sneak to call my parents (I suppose you can say I was kind of spoiled, attached, and fearful they would be having fun without me). However, with the help of the older scouts and Charrese always being by my side on those first few trips, I ended up enjoying myself after the first night. And you know what?! They never even teased me about it and for that I am grateful. Here are some of the lessons Charrese has learned her first 30 years of life. 

I turned 30 a few days ago and I must admit I feel great about it. I know most women have a nervous breakdown but I am excited to see where this year is going to take me. I have some of the best blessings a woman can ask for and have a feeling there are many more to come.

However, I have also learned some lessons that have hurt, but have helped shape me into a better person in the end. First, don't try to be everyone's everything all the time. It leaves no time for yourself and you are the only one feeling unfulfilled at the end of the process. Sometimes, you just have to say no. Secondly, cherish the relationships most important to you and learn the difference. I've spent the last few years reconnecting with awesome friends I lost touch with due to life itself and letting go of the ones that meant me no good. Some were life long friendships and it hurt but it made me happier in the end. Lastly to HELL with what everyone thinks is best for you. Everyone has their opinions of "well I would have" and "she could have", but it is none of their business. If it's not causing you or anyone around you any kind of harm tell them to mind their business. "DO YOU!!" As Sheryl Crow once said, "If it makes you happy, it cant be that bad!"



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