
There is only one word used to describe Philly's current weather: RAW. I was so excited this morning when I managed to a) get out of bed by 7am on a rainy morning b) dress myself & the kid and c) leave the house by 715 (we will not discuss how I forgot my water)...imagine my alarm when I turn my street's corner and this tree is blocking my path. That's right there is only one way out, therefore I had to turn around and wait for the landscapers to move it. Somehow I still managed to clock in by 7:59 minus a cup of joe.

Dressed in Rainy Day Blues
I could not wait to get home and curl up with a book. Yet some parts of Eric Jerome Dickey's Decadence are still on my mind. These 3 parts offered some food for thought: 

A story is not information strung into a narrative, but a design of events that carries us to a meaningful climax.  - Robert McKee

The ego of a man was as fragile as the heart of a woman. One moment that lacked something as simple as a kind gesture could prove to be so fatal, could commence the unraveling of a love affair. 

The most painful goodbyes were the ones that were never said, never explained. Goodbyes without closure left open wounds. Memories rose. These memories were earthquakes. 

I sure hope the weather brightens before the end of this holiday weekend. In the meantime, I will read, catch up on my shows, and indulge in some dates with the kid.  



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