Well Hello There 2014 -

fancy meeting you. And hello readers - it has been awhile, too long if you ask me.

I cannot believe we are at the beginning of a new year already - 2013 flew by - my biggest lesson was to focus on my health and listen to my body. At times I tend to keep pushing, just to get things done and I ignore the warning signs. I am sure this is why my mother and I have been battling an upper respiratory infection for going on 6 weeks. It's been brutal, it definitely sidelined us. Thankful we are finally on the upswing of things and hopefully we will rid our bodies of this in the coming week.

2013 accomplishments? House remodeled - only minor touches needed. Let go of some grudges - worked on forgiveness. Went to a broadway show.  Landed a permanent part time position. Finally made cheesesteak egg rolls correctly on New Year's Eve. And I embraced the art of saying no. As for reading - 67 books was the final tally. And writing - I lost focus on it during the fall, but I am here now and I am pulling out my journals. I am determined to create.

And of course I had to put together my 2014 vision board - Drea came over today and we tackled putting together our desires for this year. I swear this is the most quiet a room has been with us both focused so intently on pulling our visions together. I am pleased with the final outcome and I cannot wait to start working toward's my heart's desire.

Are all of your vision boards done?  What are your visions for this upcoming year? 



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