Check Yourself

Sometimes I get so caught up in what it is I want that I tend to a) forget who knows best and b) celebrate the smaller things. Thank goodness I have people in my life who ground me and put me in my place when I need it.

I've been quiet, but ummm yeah - I am now a permanent employee at my company. And although it is not the position I may want, it is something and for that I am grateful. So who am I to complain. And with this job I was able to purchase my first BRAND NEW car.

Imagine my surprise when yesterday at work I received this package from my agency. Yes - CONGRATULATIONS to me!  Oh - and did I forget to mention my company extended summer hours through October. God must have heard those prayers too. THANK YOU! 

Isn't she pretty?!

This past weekend, I went shopping with my mom and she totally talked me into getting this new purse - I guess this can be considered my celebratory gift to myself.

Needless to say, despite all the emotions I was dealing with, and things constantly going wrong, I am still managing to have a pretty awesome year. I may not have everything I feel I should have currently, but I am exactly where I am supposed to be according to HIS plan. I need to really work on my patience. 




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