Libra Season in Full Swing...

It is only right I share my birthday recap on National Dessert Day. I was wondering why my sweet tooth has been insatiable shall we begin with the homemade coconut layered cake my mama made me?! YUM is an understatement.

Now Price and I were supposed to go to the Mercer Museum to play at their Lego exhibit on my birthday, but someone had picture day and you all know he is NOT missing a photo opportunity.

What was a girl to do in the meantime?! Well watch tv and go shoe shopping with my mom of course. I am officially prepared with my selection of riding boots...I just need to get a few more booties and I will be set for the season.

Pictures done. Pants still winter white after a day in school. Somebody is ready to get this party started! 
Where was my family dinner you may ask...Pietro's Pizza where Price & I dined on the most delicious pie while everybody else picked boring options.

Price has decided when I take off from work, he too gets to take off from school. He LOVED his day off at the Lego Exhibit and Kid's Castle in Doylestown. I even let him eat McDonald's...IN MY CAR. He is always up for breaking the rules.


Yes, I still swing on the swings 


I simply love the changing of the leaves during fall. 

After my nap, the weekend became a bit crazy starting with my phone crashing as I was attempting to back it up to my macbook. Imagine the horror...I was without a phone for almost 18 hours! Thank goodness I can still text people with iPhones via my computer. I could not rush to the store in the morning because we had promised Pricey we would take him to the Movie Tavern to see Pan (notice a trend here - I always make sure I do things he will enjoy around my bday, so he can feel like he planned the celebrations. He is just THAT good to me).

Andriece was to the rescue shortly thereafter...our agenda included new phones, Shake Shack, and Sicario. I do not think I even want to revisit our experience in the Apple Store or the way we were thoroughly disrespected by an older gentleman while we attempted to enjoy the movie. Thank goodness Shake Shack was generous with the pour of wine prior so I was agitated from a relaxed state, which probably helped me not to chop this man in his throat. But nevertheless, I did feel the need to tell him a few things after the movie, so he doesn't make the same mistake in the future. (I have a feeling he still learned nothing.)

I suppose all good things must come to an end and it was time for me to return to the working world. I was even welcomed back with cupcakes. Nom nom nom. 

From NYC - to cake truffles - to birthday cake milkshakes - to shopping - to food - to coconut layered cake - to new cell phones - to movies - to museums - to playgrounds - to cupcakes - to presents - to sweet messages, I had a great birthday celebrated with those closest to me and I could not ask for anything more. Thanks everybody for making this girl feel so special. 



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