Until Next Year...

oh wait! I suppose this should read until December, huh?! Happy New Year guys - hope you all had a great holiday and enjoyed some time with your family and friends. In between working, I definitely had a great time.

Of course we took the kid to see Alvin & the Chipmunks. We broke the rules and took him to an 8:30pm show since he didn't go to school on Christmas Eve (this also guaranteed he would sleep until at least 9am for my mom). I am not sure who loved the movie more - hilarious and kept us all entertained. Price even got up to dance to Bruno Mars' Uptown Funk.

Somebody was so excited for Santa on Christmas Eve, however, they were not on their best behavior. We still kept with the tradition of pizza for dinner (this is something I will probably never budge on, so I hope my future husband is ok with it); Christmas stories & movies; and of course putting out cookies for Santa.


Funny story from Christmas morning: Price gets up, peeks downstairs, and exclaims, Santa left me all these toys and I was so naughty yesterday. He sure is so nice. Imagine my face...

The 2015 Singletary Christmas Tree

Needless to say, he had a great Christmas and exhibited better behavior on Christmas Day. 

The weather in Philly definitely threw a wrench in my plans for his outfit. I suppose he can wear it for his photo shoot for his 5th birthday in a few weeks. 
My grandmother wanted all of her grandchildren to get together during the holidays since everybody didn't come over on Christmas. On Wednesday, she hosted a game night at her home with pizza, wings, and carrot cake. She also had raspberry gingerale. (When I got home and told my mom, she wanted to know did I request all my favorites. And ironically, I did not - but I was happy.)

Of course we played Pie Face and took turns in order from youngest to oldest.

The only ones who did not get hit in the face were Khalani, Kiara, Naya, and I. Now you know we didn't chance our luck and take a 2nd turn. Good times! 

And just like that all of our Christmas decor is put away and we are all attempting to regroup. Meanwhile I have dived head first into building a BIG party for Pricey's 5th birthday. More fun times ahead! 



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