Flourish From the Inside Out

I guess I should be used to being sick on New Year's Day, huh?! I am thinking this is my body's way of forcing me to slow down after the non-stop movement from October through December. 

The only things which seemed reasonable for me to accomplish as I settled into 2016 was to binge watch Sex and the City, text Anrina, FaceTime Drea, shower, and prep my vision board for the new year.
This ice cream was soothing to my throat. Why not throw in a white chocolate covered, caramel stuffed pretzel?! I think my doctor would definitely prescribe this as my medicine.
Let me be honest for a moment: I did NOT want to destroy 2015's vision board. It was perfection, although I accomplished almost all of my goals on there outside of buying a house and starting my business. It is now even time for me to admit...even though I kicked & screamed, 2015 was a great year of growth both personally and professionally. My major accomplishments were learning to say no (and really meaning it); making more time for my friends; taking 3 vacations to unwind; co-hosting a webinar on social media engagement; and becoming the social media coordinator at the place of my employment. 

Although the future is unknown for this coming year, one thing is certain - I must start paying better attention to my health. This will include working out regularly (and not just in preparation for a trip); drinking water while at home (and not just at work); limiting my sweets (this will be my most challenging task); and for the sake of my blood pressure, learning to adopt an attitude of nonchalance for things I cannot change. All of these factors should help me reach my main goal of flourishing from the inside out. 

What would you like to accomplish most in 2016? 



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