Hearts of Spring

Nothing is better than a Saturday night laying in bed and watching a new Hallmark movie. Luckily for us, their Spring Fling flicks have began premiering and tomorrow Lisa Whelchel (you know - Blair from the Facts of Life) stars in Hearts of Spring. As an additional treat, Lisa's daughter, Clancy plays her daughter in the movie. This seems like a dream take your kid to work experience.

As the movie started, I immediately hit pause...

I need them to identify this nail polish hue. It would be the perfect shade for my upcoming vacation in Costa Rica.

Carly Ashby is a woman after my own heart. She is a florist who owns Carly's Flower Shop and she also blogs regularly at Parenting for the Soul. It is here where she finds an outlet for the challenges and successes she encounters as a single mom. She adopts the permissive parenting approach and offers advice on how to best adapt to this style. Ashby is insistent on remaining her daughter, Sadie's friend and allowing her to make her own decisions as she encounters life. 

Then there is Dr. Andy - he is a pediatrician who has adopted an authoritative parenting style with his son Troy. Andy has a strict structure in his home and expects Troy to follow every rule he sets forth. This could present a challenge as Troy is now in high school and has developed opinions of his own. 
After one of his patient's mom's tells him about this blog she gets all of her parenting advice from, Andy decides to visit Parenting for the Soul. He immediately begins to post challenging comments to Carly's parenting style & advice as the "jugglingdad". Of course Carly feels criticized AND judged. 

Let's take a step back for a moment and discuss the intense pressure associated with parenting without the insecurities that can blossom if you are under heavy scrutiny. We live in a society that is quick to judge and give you their opinion without stopping to think, how can one show empathy and help someone if they are dealing with a situation which has them seeking help. Not to mention, how hard it is to even ask for help without feeling as if you failed. 

Now back to the movie - how does one work, parent, and still find time to cultivate their own identity & relationships outside of their children?! As Carly says,  you never retire from being a mother

Tune into Hearts of Spring on Hallmark at 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central tomorrow to see how this all plays out. If you love cupcakes, blogs, bike rides in the park wearing heels, romance, and flowers as much as I do, this is sure to be a great Saturday night - don't forget to order pizza and pour a glass of champagne. CHEERS! 




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