Monday Moments

With so many things going on in today's society, it is easy to get caught up in all the emotions surrounding you. Luckily for me, I have this kid around always ready to give me an extra hug & kiss. His presence reminds me to be still and to always exhibit a spirit of gratitude.

He also allows me to unleash my inner child and embrace the more simple pleasures of life like swinging on swings, ice-cream cones with jimmies, or infectious giggles.

After a hard day at school (he had an accident and will end up losing a front tooth), I gave him an ice-cream cone for dinner. Ice-cream always makes everything better. 
And he is constantly learning - he has just mastered tying his shoes. My boy is really growing up and he beams with pride as he accomplishes each milestone.


AND the best lessons of them all: love with no reservation...exhibit a kind & gentle spirit...and when all else fails, SMILE.

I think I will keep him around forever.



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