There are 2 rules for summer I almost abide by:

  • Thou must eat ice cream almost every day
  • Eating ice cream for dinner is always ok  
But ice cream deserves accessories too, right?! 

So Caren and I were at work and I was asking her what was the name of the cookies served with ice cream when you go out?! You know because snacks are IMPORTANT work time discussions. She knew immediately what I was referring to and also knew where I could by them...yet we could NOT find them on line.

Imagine walking in to work on a Monday morning to these: 

I told her immediately after thanking her: ICE CREAM FOR DINNER tonight. And since I hadn't had these cookies for so long, I needed it to be special. I always happen to keep reese's chips & white chocolate chips in the cabinets...so I threw some in a bowl, put it in the microwave for 10 second intervals stirring until smooth. 

Here is the end result - 

And with today being National Soft Ice Cream Day let's DIG IN! 

What toppings can you not live without??? I'm a caramel, white chocolate, peanut butter, marshmallow, rainbow sprinkles type of girl.



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