2016 3rd Quarter Reads

Aren't these new bookmarks so cute?! TOO cute for me to leave at the counter - do you know how hard it was to pick JUST TWO?! Sheesh! Talk about pressure. 

They are already getting a work out - here is a round of the books I read this quarter. 


Some Women by Emily Liebert
There is nothing more empowering than women coming together and executing a plan. The friendships formed in this book was so commendable. I am glad we are getting back to women actually supporting each other instead of always judging. 

Here are 2 thoughts to ponder: 

A friend was someone who gave you a heads-up before shattering your entire world into painful shards and leaving you in a state of agony and bewilderment. A friend was someone who accepted you for who you were, looked beyond your shortcomings, perhaps even loved you for your imperfections, and stuck by you. Or, at the very least, tried to work out the knots before becoming completely untied. 

...an extension of the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you...every decision you reached, every action you took was the first in a domino effect that could impact not only your fate, but also the fates of everyone around you. 

The Island House by Nancy Thayer
I didn't dislike this book, but Some Women was a hard act to follow. But I did like the idea of having an island house to visit every summer. THAT is right up my alley. BUT could we change the location every year?! 

A Sinful Calling by Kimberla Lawson Roby
I think I was still thinking about Some Women...EVERY book disappointed me for awhile. I probably had more questions about his other son Matthew, so I couldn't really connect or care about Dillon's issues. 

Troublemaker by Linda Howard
Hmmm...this was my original book club choice. However, after I read it, there was nothing really to debate. Quick read, but I could have passed. 

Here's to Us by Elin Hildebrand
Quick, light read. And it left me with this: you deserve to be someone's everything. 

The Hottest Mess by J. Kenner
Ughhhh...now I am impatiently waiting for the final book in this trilogy to be released. FOUR MORE DAYS until I can get my hands on Sweetest Taboo. Oh yeah, I liked this one too! 

In Twenty Years by Allison Winn Scotch
Love, love, loved this book! I swear I have pages highlighted in my kindle of things I could reflect on. But imagine this...revisiting a familiar place from your college or high school years with all of your core group of friends for a weekend?! No responsibilities, no kids, just care free fun. Sounds dreamy to me! MAYBE just maybe I should plan a sleepover or a quick weekend away and we can write letters to ourselves to open in 10 years. Hmmmm...

In the meantime, I wish one of my friends would read this book so we could discuss it. 

Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty
I read this book backwards because I could not take the suspense. I needed to know what they were leading up to...but of course Moriarty left me with some gems: 

Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. 

You could jump so much higher when you had somewhere to fall. 


Stepping to a New Day by Beverly Jenkins
I read a Blessings novel every summer. Always light and easy, with some Jesus entwined throughout. I always enjoy catching up with the residents of Henry Adams. And sometimes I need to be reminded: kindness over rightness

I Almost Forgot About You by Terry McMillan
I cannot even express how great this book was - I swear every woman has these struggles Georgia encountered. And of course there were lessons: 

But you were struggling to be you without knowing how to stand up for yourself, so it was easy to get you to bend...

Most women are amazing. They just need to be with someone who makes it easy to express it. I think it's called respect. 

Bachelor Unforgiving by Brenda Jackson
The latest release in Brenda Jackson's Bachelor in Demand series...I gobbled it up in less than 5 hours. It was a quick, enjoyable read. 

Just Can't Let Go by Mary B. Morrison
The 2nd release in Morrison's The Crystal Series - I cannot say I had to read this book, but as always...once I am introduced to characters I somewhat like, I commit to their series. I will read the next one whenever it is released. 

Don't You Cry by Mary Kubica
Hmmm...I may be done with this author. Her stories take a long time building up and resolving the suspense. But there was this one line - 

...this sense of familiarity and comfort that slips into a relationship over time, completely trampling all excitement and passion. 

That my friends is my worse nightmare. What is life without passion? Simply a comfort zone I merely exist in??? 

The Perfect Mistress by Reshonda Tate Billingsley

How can one truly be content with being someone's mistress? Shouldn't you think more of yourself by not settling and waiting until you find someone willing to give you their all??? Ok, ok - I am getting off my soap box, but I do not believe this was one of Billingsley's better books. 


All Summer Long by Dorothea Benton Frank

I probably could have did without reading this book, but how could I pass it up knowing some scenes were set in Charleston?! It did cause me to reflect on this: you have to get up grateful. It is really just that simple. 

Brave Enough by Cheryl Strayed

I love how well my friends know me. Drea picked this gem up and gave it to me for my blogiversary - I consumed this entire book in 40 minutes and I have decided I will read it once a month just to keep me focused and on track. I highly recommend adding this to your bookshelf and following Strayed's advice: read it like a motherfucker

Sleepless in Manhattan by Sarah Morgan

Is there any surprise I picked this book up?! Quick, light read and since I became invested in the characters I have already read 2 of the sequels, Midnight at Tiffany's and Sunset in Central Park

Falling by Jane Green 

I cannot even describe this book without giving away a major plot twist. I liked it...and learned the greatest gifts we can give each other in a relationship are the gifts of kindness and communication

And there you have it...did you read any good books this summer?! 



  1. Why are we so much alike , I can't. I feel like I'm reading my drafts haha. I SUCK at leisure reading. I am dedicated to carving out time to sit and relax. Working on a reading nook for my patio so I have no excuses. Once it's done I'll let you know what stories I am able to fall in to :)

    1. A reading nook sounds dreamy! Post pics when it is complete. :)


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