
Is it just me or does anyone else have difficulties asking for help??? Let's backtrack a few...

On 8/21 my mom had surgery. Leading up to this day, we attempted to prepare as best as possible. Employers were notified; the home was prepped & stocked; supplies bought; incessant prayer; everything else was up to the doctor and God. 

But let me be a tad bit honest here for a moment...I felt like my right hand was being cut off. My mom is my major backbone. She is my sounding board and my partner in making sure the household runs smoothly. Internally I was freaking out a bit...everything was NOW ON ME. Would everything continue to run as we had grown accustomed to AND to make matters worse, I had a conference IN THE CITY for 2 days, 2 days after her surgery. Also, WHO WOULD I TALK TO (read this as complain to and convince me to be sensible)?! 

Uhhhhhhh...yeah...I was close to a nervous breakdown in my mind...BUT you know what...I did not need sleep...the only things I had to do was ensure my mom had everything she needed, her pain was controlled AND she remained as comfortable as possible, Price's routine was not disrupted, we ate something, I did my job, I filled in for her commitments made prior to scheduling surgery, and insert a coffee IV for a constant boost. Easy, breezy. 

As I was driving to work the morning of her 7 hour surgery, (yes, I went to work...I had to stay busy, I could NOT sit & wait) I received a text message from Drea. Her brother's girlfriend (who also happened to work at the same hospital & had a surgery that am) had greeted my parents, made sure my mom's operating room was clean, hand picked her team to work with the doctor, and held her hand as she went under. Not only that...she received hourly updates and kept us posted on what stage they were in. This was instant comfort (that almost bought me to tears) as I threw myself into work ready to run out the door as soon as I knew my mom was in recovery. 

THEN I shattered my phone. GUYS...I SHATTERED MY PHONE 4 days post-op...do you know how many phone calls and texts I was receiving about my mom's progress?! How was I supposed to keep everybody informed, so they would not call the house and wake my mom without SLICING my finger?! Caren was there when this happened and I was scared she was about to see a whole other side of me...but I called Andriece, and she was like no problem. I will pick it up and take our phones to Apple - let me know when. Problem solved. 

Ahhhh...and back to Caren. At work I was swamped. And swamped may just be an understatement with content marketing AND planning Facebook content for ALL of 2018 (uhhh, yeah...we like to cross things off of our to do list). Caren made sure I didn't forget things like coffee and food because I have a bad habit of just forging through. She also jumped in to do some of our Facebook scheduling AND re-did some content. She straight knocked it out like a champ because she knew my mind was NOT there. 

AND did I mention my dad began baking around here?! My mom & Price LOVE bran muffins...my dad learned how to make these and that is another thing crossed off my to do list. 

Now that we are on to food...Rae made this delicious blueberry crumble. It was the only thing my mom ate one day. And it made me smile. Renee bought us pizzas for dinner. Anrina sent the most gorgeous flowers. Amber stopped by to make sure I had at least ONE ice-cream cone this summer and to make me sit down and content plan for this countdown to 35 (11 more days).

And you know what I also learned over the past 5 weeks?! Leftovers are meant to be eaten until they are gone; take out is ok even if it is multiple days in a row; and you don't have to adhere to a strict cleaning schedule ALL the time (although a cleaning service would be clutch). Life will still go on. 

So where are we with recovery?! My mom is doing great, although she is not 100% back to her regular routine - it can take up to 3 months. We are still taking things day by day, but we are definitely on the right track. Last Friday, her and my father celebrated 33 years of marriage and look who got all cute for their hot date...
My dad came home from work with a rose for every year they had been married...
Love Is...
Truth be told, my mom deserves this break. She should have this time where she only has to worry about herself and her recovery. Although as women, we NEVER fully let go of our responsibilities. Why is it so hard to be selfish & put ourselves first at times regardless of the circumstances? Why do we push ourselves to resume to our full capacity instead of embracing the down time? Why do we hesitate when asking for help? EVEN when people offer??? Not once did I ever utter the words...yet my people just stepped in to assist. I guess I put out a non-verbal S.O.S and they responded to the call with prayers, laughs, distractions, food, check-ins, etc.

All of this to simply say this: I am grateful for ALL the support. Thank you. 



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