The Social Media Nightmare: Part 2

Remember this post, The Social Media Nightmare?! Well, I am back 2 years later with more to add - are you ready?! AND THIS is in terms of dating.

For me, social media makes it damn near impossible to even consider seriously dating. 

Let me explain...if we meet, just know there will be a thorough investigation. And even before the main focus of my job revolved around social media, I still gained access to everything I needed to know. No data was left unturned and just for verification purposes, back up research is conducted by friends. We then compile all intel and put together the pieces of the puzzle until a clear picture is painted. 

And I must say, we love a good story especially when we are in the getting to know you is interesting to see who will actually trust you with their truth instead of just telling you what they feel you want to hear in order to get what it is they want from you. Wow! I just said a mouthful...yet there is more since there is NO privacy once you hit "post", "share", "tweet", or "publish". I feel some people forget this part.

While perusing your social media accounts, there are many things I observe and learn. Let's dive in shall we beginning with patterns & schedule - please do not tell me you went to bed at 8:30, when I text you at 9, and FB says you were active 1 minute ago.

Likes and the videos/content you share implies life interests and helps me gain an understanding of what you may want from me.

The next one I think goes without being said, BUT if you constantly post with spelling & grammatical errors, then I am assuming you are either careless OR uneducated. Neither is appealing. on the list are the posted pictures. This has so many layers. Your style of dress let's me know how much work I have cut out for me if I take you serious; the background/messiness of your home let's me know how much work I have cut out for me if we ever live together; also, it is questionable if as a man you are constantly taking and posting selfies.

Now let's touch base on the rants. If you go on a social media rant every time something happens to you, it will be hard for me to trust you. Therfore, we cannot build. I am a private person - every relationship has issues. I don't want to fear that if we ever get in an argument, you will post our business in order to get attention elsewhere. Because that IS your intent with rants...seeking attention. Some people thrive off of constant validation and social media is their avenue of choice. After all, their fan club will give them a show. *giggles*

Do you see where I am going with this??? Social media takes the fun out of dating or it allows me to cut my losses quicker. Not sure which one I am leaning towards. BUT in order for me to consider dating you, I do not want to feel like I am dealing with your representative and then you are constantly putting on a show via public forums. OR is it that your true self shines on social media where you are most comfortable and with me, you pretend to be who you think I want??? All too much to decipher.

Let's all just try to remember a few simple rules: be genuine and true to yourself always; create moments for the memories and pleasure...NOT simply for the likes; everything is not for some details for yourself and loved ones...cherish those things; lastly, BE. HERE. NOW. So you can learn how to listen with a still heart, with a waiting, open soul, without passion, without desire, without judgment, without opinions. - Hermann Hesse 

And only then can we begin to build.

Let's talk about this one - has the obsession with social media caused issues in your relationships? 



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