Guest Blogger: Getting to Your Happy Place

As I was scrolling through Facebook one Sunday, my girlfriend, Ebony, posted a clip of her husband's sermon. I typically bypass videos, but something made me pause and listen to Larry. You see, although Larry & I talk damn near ever day and I consider him one of my closest male friends...I have never heard him preach since he was ordained. I know, I know. I was immediately drawn and knew I wanted it to be a part of my Dive Into 35 series. I was so excited when he agreed with no hesitation - I hope you all enjoy his message as much as I did and it resonates with you. Happy Sunday!

Proverbs 29:18 - "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law. (NKJV)
"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepth the law, happy is he." (KJV)

When most of us think of "vision", it is seeing ourselves in certain places, or with certain people, or having particular things in our possession. Vision can be misconstrued as a “wish list”, but there is a distinction between the two. Biblically, vision is connected to revelation, which reveals something hidden about ourselves. This knowledge feeds to the insecurity of inadequacy that seeps beneath the confident exterior we present to the world around us. For example, I have found a freedom in not knowing everything. It has released me from the devilish quality of having to control my world and the world around me.
It is almost unfathomable we live with ourselves every day, but somehow miss this very important definition of ourselves.

One revelation we should all have is that we are not our Creator. We are not the captain of our own vessel. We have a Creator and He alone has given us a purpose. It is not up for a vote or a debate. God has preordained our purpose before we were even formed in our mother’s womb. So, when God gives vision, it is the illumination of purpose that goes beyond our eyes. This would imply one cannot have vision without the assistance of God. This is good news because all of us face an opponent by the name of Satan, who wishes nothing more but to take away our sense of our purpose.

God will project vision in our lives to reveal to us what he wants us to be. Often times, God will reveal our purpose through our pain. Men who grow up without fathers usually make the decision not to repeat the cycle. Those who grow up poor make sure they can be in a better financial position in adulthood. Those who have been the recipient of lies take pleasure in honesty no matter how much it hurts because the pain of a lie hurts twice as much.

God wastes no experience. If you have experienced it, there is something to be revealed in it. The problem doesn't contribute to perishing. The lack of finding purpose leads to our perishing. Maybe the reason the pain has not subsided is because you haven't seen the purpose of it yet. Say it with me, "There is purpose for my pain"! God is revealing something through the most hurtful times of our lives; if nothing more than showing you how strong you really are. Our “worse” is still not comparable to the better God has for us. You're better than what you are enduring!

Revelation should not be confused with promise. Promise is what you enter into. Revelation is the end result or depiction of who you are. This is important for us to remember while we are traveling this journey called life. God is not just trying to take us places, but transform us along the way. One of the saddest things in life is to see a person whose character does not reflect their position. While we’re trying to reach levels of success that will give us the comforts of life, let us not forget to reflect on who God is in each level we reach. What he wants us to be like is a reflection of himself. That is the very purpose of our creation. He created man in his image and likeness.

Once one has received vision, you must now pay attention to the instructions. Vision is the picture on the front of the box, but the instructions found inside the box bring about how you see what's on the front. Notice the instructions are not what everyone sees passing by. Only those who have a desire to see what is on the front of the box take the time to look at the instructions. Some look at the instructions and put it back on the shelf because they lack the passion to put in the work. Some put it back because they don't have the necessary tools or ingredients to bring it about. Either way, it prevents the product from falling into the wrong hands and becoming something it was never intended to be. 

While we complain about not being seen or not having anyone put their hands on us, we should be grateful. Maybe that was preventing us from being put in the wrong hands. God had to take you out of the situation, whether it was a relationship or a job, because it had the potential to make you into something you were not created to be! The law translates to instruction. God gives us steps to follow to point us in the direction to bring about our finished product. God did not create you to be broken-hearted, bitter, or unforgiving. He created you to look, act like, and operate in love, just like him. So, if I am resembling a characteristic God doesn't possess, I stepped outside of his instructions for my life.

The verse finishes with, "happy is he". One who keeps or does what God instructed them to do eventually runs smack dab into happiness. Happiness means blessed in this verse. Following God’s instructions produces blessings, but not in possession. I know because you probably thought like I did; I'm blessed because I have certain things— good marriage, good kids, good job, nice house, nice cars, money in the bank, etc. The blessing here actually means “moving forward”. So, I'm not blessed because of what I possess, but instead in how I progress!

Our lives were designed to go forward. No matter how much we want yesterday back, it will never come. Do not let the devil hold another moment of your life by making you hold yourself hostage to your yesterday. We have all made mistakes and have regrets. We all want to go back to do things over and make better choices. However, we cannot. Take authority over your future because if your past was that bad, you would have died there! The good news is you're still alive.

You're better than whatever you've lived through and are presently going through! You are blessed because, despite the pain, you are progressing right through it. Lay your hands on yourself and prophesy (speak vision) to yourself and say, "I'm better than that"! You're better than depression! You're better than your failure! You're better than that sickness! You're better than that failed relationship and dead-end job! You are better than that!

Grab ahold to your purpose. What is God revealing to you? Pay attention to what he's showing you and listen for his voice. What is he saying to you? 



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