Diving Between December's Covers

Between Christmas, Norrina's wedding (more on this later), work, and being sick - I found myself not reading a ton this month. Seems like a trend for the year, huh?! 

The stack of library books continue to grow inside my night stand...
I fully intend on making one of these in my home. some day 
yet what I did finish this month I enjoyed. Starting with - 

We're Gonna Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union 
Is it ironic that I have actually been drinking more wine?! I can honestly say I had no expectations as I started this book. But when I stumbled upon these words on page 2, We're entering a full-on relationship where I have all this hope that my words are going to be interpreted the way I intend. I don't want you to have to guess about my intentions, I got comfy and couldn't wait to read more. You see that is what I want with every relationship at this stage of my life and I am consciously making an effort to be intentional .

I rounded out the month with these 2 books: 
His Secret Son by Brenda Jackson
Seeking Sarah by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

One of these days I will finish my summer reading list - but TODAY is NOT that day. 



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