Diving Between January's Covers

Not sure if it was the snow & brutal cold, the fact the 49ers are home this off season AGAIN, or wanting to get rid of all the library books from last year, but either way I plowed through a ton of books the first 2 weeks of January. Where shall we begin?!

The Sunshine Sisters by Jane Green
It took me MONTHS to finish this book, but I am glad I stuck with it. There were so many hidden gems buried in regards to both personal and familial relationships. 

Allowing ourselves to show our vulnerability is how we make human connections. If we're not showing other people our true selves, our weaknesses and flaws, how can we ever allow ourselves to be known? Def working on this! 

...what he didn't do was control me, or try to mold me into a little wife, some old-fashioned, muted version of who I was. I saw many men do that to many women I know. They would choose these vibrant, talented, beautiful women, and suck the life and passion and beauty out of them by bullying them into submission. Def NOT going back to this!

Life is whatever you choose to make it. You never have to let anyone control you, nor give up your power in order to make someone happy. The only way any of us finds happiness is to figure out what it is that we need, and go after it. Learned this many moons ago! 

A House Divided by Donna Hill
Loved this book and hope there is a sequel. And it affirmed that just sometimes, you can try again - just make sure you toast to new beginnings to those worth your time and effort. 

And since the main character was a journalist, of course it hit something I live by day to day with my clients. If YOU control the message, you can shape it to cast the best light

I am so entwined with the From Manhattan with Love series characters, so yes...I read the latest 2 books released quickly. And ya know my favorite part of both outside of NYC during the holidays and the beach - it was THIS line: if a woman can't help another woman in trouble where would we be? 

After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I have never met a Taylor Jenkins Reid book I did not love...especially when she says things like once you've outgrown the idea of what life should be and you just enjoy what it is. Or how about this...if your family won't tell you the truth, who will?...That's where the deap, beautiful, mystifying love of family truly kicks in. 

Courage is Contagious by Nick Haramis
Sometimes I like to read books to remind myself of what we once had leading our country. This book fit the bill and it was refreshing to read how Michelle Obama impacted the lives of others. 

Have you read anything good lately? My list continues to grow. 



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