Mani Monday: Bring on the Sass

What does one do when they have copious amounts of content marketing campaigns to deploy along with a ton of social media accounts (over 100 if we are keeping count) to schedule & manage. AND did I mention the issues with our management system due to Facebook's added restrictions and blocks as a result of Russia's tampering?! Oh! And let us not forget 22 audience engagement reports to complete for March?! 

I don't know how you would prep, but as for me I clean the house and then run to get my nails done instead of doing them myself. My nail tech was so nervous as she began doing my nails. I wasn't concerned - she always figures it out. I even let her select the colors. We went with OPI's Russian Navy (I swear this color will never go out of style) with an accent of OPI's Lisbon Wants Moor.

No need to mention my pedi since the weather has it still being hidden under socks and boots. But I did have them use Zoya Journey.

As my fingers constantly pound my keyboard this week for endless hours, I deserve something exciting to look at...because let's be honest...reporting is NEVER fun. Unless you are a math person and you love the challenge of the numbers and formulas in excel. Newsflash: I am NOT that person. It makes me want to gauge my eyes out. I much rather paint you a pretty picture with my words.

I am now fully prepped to tackle the week - the sass will be on full display ESPECIALLY after my hair appointment tomorrow.

Let's gear up to attack our to do lists - HAPPY MONDAY! 



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