Diving Between December's Covers

How does one manage to read with all the hollydays happening around them?! Said person gets sick for 6 weeks and DVRs every Christmas movie on ALLLLL the networks to watch in bulk, while they dive between the covers. That's how. 
Good Luck With That by Kristan Higgins
I started the month with a book that came highly acclaimed on social media with a LONG line on the library's wait list. I was anxious to see what everyone had been referencing. And honestly, I can understand the rave a bit. It was an inside look of women's deepest insecurities and overcoming them. 

Life was kind and full of chances. Sometimes we didn't take them. Sometimes we hid our truth and acted out of fear. Sometimes we turned away and closed the door...BUT sometimes there were moments that felt like a blessing. Good luck, I imagined the universe saying kindly, infusing the phrase with gentleness and faith. Good luck with everything. 

It was in this moment I was reminded to become more gentle and to lean on my faith. 

Bachelor Unbound by Brenda Jackson
As soon as I opened Mrs. Jackson's latest release, it spoke to my soul and I knew I would be in for a treat. Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18 

I am in this stage of life where your word means nothing if it is not followed up by supporting actions. I suppose we can call this accountability. 

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
Ever have a book that you didn't want to end and you found yourself laughing out loud after 2am while you read?! And imagine my surprise when I found out it is being made into a movie?! Caren knocked it out the park with this birthday gift. I am STILL thinking of this story.  

Evidence of the Affair by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Taylor Jenkins Reid NEVER steers me wrong. No matter what she writes, it takes me less than 24 hours to read it. Except for when it is a short story...then I may finish it in less than 90 minutes as was the case with Evidence of the Affair. So many emotions within this short timespan, but the moral of the story is NEVER let anyone make you feel as if you are not enough. 

Girls' Night Out by Liz Fenton & Lisa Steinke
I cannot discuss the details of this book without giving away a major plot twist. Yet the focal point was forgiveness. We all know I need constant refreshers on this life lesson. 

Remembrance by Mary Monroe 
This book was exactly what I needed to end the year in order to reflect on the pressures I put on myself and also remember...sometimes simple is best. 

And there you have it - my final dive between the covers this year. Stay tuned for my top reads...



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