Diving Between March's Covers

Have you ever read a book and saw so many of your traits on display through the author's portrayal of their characters?! Between Fixie, Holland, and Molly, I found myself reflecting. Let's get to it...
Someone joined in on reading with me this month

I Owe You One
by Sophie Kinsella
You need to start thinking less about what you owe other people and more about what you owe yourself.  What a way to start off March, huh?! I may not have loved every character, but this book def kept my interest. 

Roomies by Christina Lauren
I do not think I have read a book by this duo that didn't immediately suck me in. I am now driving myself crazy trying to pinpoint my fave. And they left me with this...I need more purpose. 

Otherwise Engaged by Lindsey Palmer
I wanted to love this book based on the cover alone. Yet when it ended, I found myself annoyed. However, if there is a sequel...I will read it. 

Trouble in Rio by Carl Weber
Finally! Another installment of Carl Weber's The Family Business series. Has anyone watched the BET series? And of course, I am now waiting for the next one... 

Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams
Let's have a moment of silence for this cover. That alone drew me in AND had me craving box braids with some hoops. Might as well pop some gum too, right?! 
Needless to say, I cannot wait to discuss this one with my girls. So. MANY. Talking. Points. 

Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Full disclosure. I did NOT want to read this book. WHY would I want to get lost in the world of a 60s band. Even though I LOVE everything TJR writes. Let's just say, I am happy Caren picked this up from the library and left it on my desk. ALL. THE. FEELS. And gratitude for those who support me. 

You show up for your friends on their hardest days. And you hold their hands through the roughest parts. Life is about who is holding your hand and, I think, whose hand you commit to holding. 

I swear this year - this is what is driving me. Supporting those who support me. And protecting my energy from those who waver. 

On The Come Up by Angie Thomas
447 pages in less than 7 hours. Need I say more?! With Mochs and Gabi growing up, along with my friends' children, I make sure I read books in their genre. This presents opportunities for us to dissect them and opens up dialogue regarding issues plaguing our society. Communication is vital for fostering relationships. 

The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray
Yall. I hated this book. I feel like it took forever to say WHY things were happening. I never got a full picture of the rooted cause of the internal conflict. AND I never cared about the main characters. I was more interested in those who were in the background. Give me more Eva, Baby V., and Kim! 

So there you have it. 4 new authors. A total of 7 women and 1 man writing this month's reads. 



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