Strutting Nicely

I decided to do a random act of kindness each week in November to celebrate Stilettos With My Latte's 500th post. Here's how I was #niceinstilettos -

  • I put a report together for a co-worker in another department instead of suggesting she do it herself. 
  • Drea LOVED the book Room - so I treated her to the movie when it came out. 
  • I paid for the car behind me in the Starbuck's drive thru. 
  • I gave a turkey away to a school who hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for children & their families.
  • I encouraged Collin to invite Price's mother to our Thanksgiving dinner so she could share that moment with her son. Although she declined, the effort was made.  
  • Along with Rae, I spearheaded our department's Holiday Gift Drive. We collected money, donated, and went shopping for toys for the kids. 
  • I bought customized mugs for Between the Covers members.
And here is where my heart was warmed the most...when my family & friends jumped in and joined me. 
  • My mom donated a ton of clothing to the Salvation Army. 
  • Pam gave a crib mattress to one of our expecting co-workers. 
  • Rae donated and helped organize our department's contribution to the Holiday Gift Drive. She also made a donation and bought a bear for needy children when checking out at the pet store. 
  • Jenn left a pack of gum on my desk one morning since I kept forgetting to bring some in. 
  • Anrina bought lunch for a team she was working with for the week.
  • Andriece was in line at a store and the woman's card in front of her wouldn't go through. She contributed money to the woman's bill. Her good deed caused a chain reaction and she made a new friend in the process. 
  • Drea ensured her co-worker experienced a Starbucks caramel brulee latte by treating her to one.

Thank you to everybody who joined me in this challenge. I am sure you brought a smile to someone's face. I had so much fun being Nice in Stilettos. I am committing to incorporate more random acts of kindness in my every day life. Luke 6:38



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