At the Playground, You Know...

So the day has arrived - I do not think any amount of preparation would have been adequate - this is just one of those things where you have to rip the bandaid off and do it. Needless to say, I have felt nauseous and on the verge of tears all week. Thank goodness for the coffee which kept me sane and everybody who listened to all of my concerns - you guys are truly the real MVP. But enough about me, let's get to the kid since I promised you an update about his first day. 
He's lined up and ready to enter his classroom as the older kids hold signs and cheer on the newbies. 
Price & his new teacher
Sitting at his new desk while mema snaps pictures as he listens to his teacher tell a story
By 12:45, I was at my desk totally antsy and could not wait to run out the door to pick him up from school. This is serious torture - why isn't their first day a half day?! 

And yes, my mom & I were one of those know, the one who is at the school 20 mins prior waiting by the gates for class to dismiss. When he was coming out, he waved and yelled auntie - I almost cried yall. 
We whisked him away to toast his first day with ice-cream cones per his request. With ice-cream melting and jimmies falling, we tried to engage him - but we could not get too many details out of him. Our boy was subdued and appeared to be tired. We did discover he ate a jelly sandwich for lunch; he has a new friend named Joshua; and there are a lot of girls in his class. 

However, I showed him the awesome sign Hannah & Alyssa created for him at work today and he perked up. He wanted to know how they did it - could they teach him - and what was in SpiderMan's web. 

With his excitement looming, I made 2 requests: could we have a photo shoot when we got home AND could I interview him for the blog about his day. He responded with 2 requests of his own: pizza for dinner AND when he was finished, could he play the video game. Oh! And I had to call him "kindergartner Price" because that sounds good

Here are a few of the pics we snapped: 

And here's our interview: 

Me: What rule was the hardest to follow today? 
The kid: Having to wait to go to the bathroom, I kept raising my hand and I had to go really bad

Me: What was the funniest thing that happened today? 
The kid: The gerbil was on the wheel running and our teacher talked to it. Everybody laughed, it was so funny. 

Me: What was the best part of your day? 
The kid: The playground 

Me: If you could be the teacher tomorrow, what would you teach the class? 
The kid: To be good & to color neatly

Me: Do you want to go back tomorrow? 
The kid: Kind of, but I'm not excited
Lego Spider-Man seems to have caught a school bus and a book in his web
With the first day behind us, I imagine it only gets better from here.

Here's to a great school year for all the kiddies!



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