Are you my kryptonite?

Did Halloween sneak up on anybody else?! I was literally at my desk last Tuesday and realized the kids did not have costumes, yet I had plans for a family night on Friday.

Uhhhhh...thank goodness for Amazon Prime AND Rae finding a Wonder Woman onesie in Blake's size. Everything else came together after an hour of searching for tutus, ruffled leg warmers, and something for Price. You KNOW there is a Price story...

He is obsessed with being Flash this year. Are you shocked we have not outgrown the superhero phase?! In any event, his mom bought him Flash and I did not want to take that from her...his excitement of his character selection he will wear today. So I googled Justice League and had to make an executive came down to Superman or Batman...and since he was Batman when he was 4, that option was ruled out.

And let's not forget to mention, Superman matches so well with Wonder Woman, no?!

Wonder Woman may have been my favorite movie this summer...there was never a question in what I wanted for Blake. It is imperative she understands women can be both strong AND soft; and that she is comfortable in standing for what she believes in - even if it is an unpopular opinion. My favorite quote from the movie: it is not about what they deserve. It is about what I believe...and I believe in love. It is my hope Blake grows up to believe in love as much as I do.
Blake's 1st Halloween
With costumes delivered Thursday night, we were all set. The only other things we needed were: pizza, smores dip, and Scooby Doo, Where are you Pandora radio blasting. Price immediately started the dance party and began his breakdancing moves sliding across the floor. He even challenged his Mema and got Blake to join in with the dancing. 

When the dancing stopped, Price decided he wanted to blow bubbles. Although it was dark and cold (his father & Pops thought I was crazy), I obliged. I sat on the steps and blew bubbles, as he ran around popping them. The joy on his face from this simple yes amazed me as I sat there. The little things always seem to bring him the most pleasure. He has never blown bubbles in the dark. This was new and exciting to him. I may have been tired AND cold, BUT he only lasted about 7 minutes until he was ready to go back in the house. I always have 7 minutes to give just to ensure he is content.

As adults, we sometimes need to allow the children to teach us. What Price taught me again is to slow down, create new experiences, relish little things, and embrace the moment.

We always end the night with a movie to settle the kids down. Did anybody else know there was a Michael Jackson Halloween special?! Price wanted to watch the Emoji movie again, but I had to veto was time he was introduced to the King of Pop. He ended up being entertained with my selection andddd he loved the music. I am really killing this auntie thing, right?! 
Judging by the infectious giggles, another fun family night was complete and the kids had a great time.

Happy Halloween from my kyrptonite little super heroes!



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