Opposition to Change

I survived…didn’t know how I would do it, but I did…when Oprah announced she was ending her show, I never believed she would go through with it – but true to her word she ended her show on May 25. AND to
top it all off ABC announced they were ending All My Children and One Life To Live (sigh of relief that these shows were saved and are now going to the web, YESSSSSSSSSS - please excuse my enthusiasm but OLTL is my favorite soap currently) – needless to say, when these announcements were made I felt like it was the end of the world – I was in an uproar and was unsure as to what I would do without them – and I was even more so disappointed with myself because I never made the trip to Chicago to see a live taping of the show and I had wanted to do it for years, but always figured I had time and there was no rush - these shows have been around since I was born and I think I was also upset my future children would not be able to experience what I did growing up and as a young adult. 

Surprisingly two months later after Oprah broadcast her "Love Letter to her Viewers"  – I am ok and have found other things to do with my time – but why was I so against it to begin with?! It’s just tv, right?!

The issue is resistance to change. Why are people so afraid of change even if it means we are growing and may become more enriched by the change encountered. I am a person of routine - when my routine is altered in any way, I am in a bad mood until I fully adjust to whatever is new - I have always been this way since I was a child - I am trying  to learn to embrace change more quickly and welcome it - however, this is something I struggle with and I understand it as a work in progress...

What has happened to you that made you feel like your everyday life would never be the same? And how did you adjust to it? 



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