
Out of all the cleaning that needs to get done around the house, the one thing I despise more than anything is THE BATHROOM (yet I cannot stand to use a bathroom that isn't clean - oh the irony). In particular, the tub and shower doors are the WORSE part of it all.

I kept seeing a commercial for Kaboom and decided this may make this chore more bearable. Less elbow grease for me equates to a manicure not being ruined if I wear gloves. Win, win in my eyes.

Since we had a family cookout Monday evening, I decided to break out the new product while cleaning up after our company - and of course I tackled bathrooms first. I loved Kaboom! It definitely made my job a whole lot easier - now if only the guests (kids) would wash their hands directly OVER the sink and wash the dirt off IN the sink, so there isn't dirt all over the counters and bowls...

Are there any cleaning products you swear by?  



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