Entourage - Series Finale

The only good thing "this guy" ever did was introduce me to Entourage - he had all the season dvds and I immediately became hooked after the first few episodes. How could I not get captivated by Ari, Mrs. Gold, E, Sloane,Vince, Turtle, Drama, Lloyd and all of the drama they endured professionally and personally. I watched every season to catch up before the season premiere so I would be ready...this was over 2 years ago and sadly tonight, the show has come to an end.

I have never encountered a character so "colorful" as Ari - and he never failed to disappoint - I am happy he realized family was important and decided to quit his job, however, I think he needs to just learn how to prioritize and separate work from home so no one feels neglected. He WAS his work - and I think he may get the itch to go back after the enticing phone call he received while in Florence - he did something drastic because he felt like his world was crashing around him and he was incomplete without his spouse - rash decisions sometimes aren't the best.

I have always been a fan of E and Sloane...I would experience emotions through their constant ups and downs like they were one of my friends!!! Sheesh! Now I do NOT agree with him sleeping with her ex-stepmother in order to act out, but I agree with Vince when he said does it really matter??? Sloane is already carrying his child, they were not together at the time, so now they have to decide what they want to do TOGETHER for the sake of their baby. Am I the only one who missed why they weren't together at the beginning of this season??? Was that ever addressed??? A major issue in their relationship is the fact her father hates him - could you date/ marry someone your parents vehemently disliked? Even as an adult, do you still want your parents' approval?

As for Drama, Turtle, and Vince - I am happy Vince found "the one", but I think he may be jumping the gun - I am also happy with how Vince is always there for his friends and helps them out in binds - he bought them along when he first made it and never made them feel less because they initially were living off of him - they all branched out and started doing their own thing - Turtle is now a millionaire because of Vince helping him with a solid investment in a company and Drama has a show he is working on which has always been his ultimate dream - since I love love, I am definitely disappointed Turtle and Drama ended the season without love interests, but I guess it wouldn't be realistic - there are always the single friends in the group.

Ummmmmmmm...I need more! When is the movie coming out?!?



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