Never Forget 9/11/2001

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the most horrific attack on the United States which occurred in my lifetime - a declaration of war was made against our country...many lives were lost and since then many service men loss their lives in this war - their bravery to serve and protect us and their country is honorable - there are no words that can properly convey our emotion and gratitude for their ultimate sacrifice.

I cannot watch anything on this tragedy without getting emotional over the people who lost their lives this day - yet I cannot avoid it - I want to know more - I want to know how the people are managing with their lives. The children are so strong and mature beyond their years - the children who never got to know their parents. Some spouses have moved on, remarried, and had subsequent children - the spouses who were forced to go on without their partner. Many firefighters and police men - dedicated to their cause - the need to help in this calamity even if they were not scheduled - selflessly loss their lives trying to help save others. 

The thought of the loss of a parent, child, sibling, friend is just devastating - but for these families' loved ones to die in this manner (burned, crushed, jumping from the building from fear of burning only to plummet to their death, 4 plane crashes) - some of them listening on the phone as their loved ones died - not wanting to disconnect the phone because they knew this would be their last time they talked to them. EVER. Unacceptable in my eyes. I can not even fathom enduring it - it makes me that much more thankful for what I have and I have to cherish every moment. And it makes me that much more angry terrorists would do this to us. Yes, Bin Laden has finally been killed, but that does not bring back all those who died because of a terrorist attack executed on his command - so should we really celebrate??? It took us almost 10 years and a change of presidents to finally execute the s.o.b. 

Where were you when you received news of this tragic event? I was in between classes at Community College when my friend, Isaiah, called me - he told me he didn't know what was going on, but a plane just flew into the World Trade Center - he said it was on the news. Yet I did not believe him - I told Tiffany - she didn't believe it either - then when I heard the seriousness in his voice when he told me another plane had just hit the other building and I needed to make my way home, I listened. I could not get any cell phone signal to call my parents, but I somehow got in contact with my cousin Ebony - me and Tiffany hurried to the subway to head home before they shut it down. I met Ebony at Broad & Erie and her dad picked us up and took us home. I had finally talked to my parents - my dad was on his way to pick up my brother from school and my mom was stuck at work...she was a director of operational systems at Prudential and they would not let her go in case systems went down...this was a pivotal moment in her life - when she realized family was more important than her job no matter how much she made - I worked for the same company at the time and they told me not to come in - funny, right?! 

Many of the people who survived express their concerns with Americans actually forgetting what happened - I do not think this is possible. This has impacted us as a whole both directly and indirectly. How has it impacted you the most? What will you do in remembrance? 



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