The Hot Box - Great Read

Happy Labor Day! (I really need to start resisting cupcakes for breakfast.)

Hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend - I know I did although I was busy - manicure/pedicure, cookout, FunPlex, browsing my fall style magazines, and the Movie Tavern - not to mention a great episode of Entourage last night (Sloane is pregnant by Eric after he slept with her stepmom to get back at her; Turtle is a millionaire?!?! And I think there is only one more episode left. Ever.) and reading Zane's latest book The Hot Box.

Zane may be known for sexually explicit books - however, people tend to overlook the real life issues Zane's characters endure - this book was no different - homelessness, lack of self esteem, sexuality, narcissim, etc. I read this book in less than 6 hours - it was that good and I needed to know what happened with Milene, Lydia, Jacour, Glenn, Phil, and Yosef. 

Here are some of the situations raised in the book: 

If your partner cheats on you, are you willing to forgive them and try to make things work?

Have you ever told a lie for appearances sake that somehow snowballed out of control? 

If a relationship doesn't work, does that have an effect on your self esteem and how you perceive yourself? Do you feel like it was your fault? Do you avoid relationships at all cost as a result? 

Have you ever been stuck in a place - not content with your life, constantly complaining or making plans about what you are going to do, yet you are too comfortable in your situation to make any real changes in your life until you are forced into action? 

Pick up The Hot Box and see how Zane works her way through these complexities. You will not be disappointed. 



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