After the Loving - OK Read

As promised, I went back and got Gwynne Forster's two books to see what happened with the other Harrington brothers - the first one I tackled was After the Loving.

It was not as good as the other two I read and there were some parts where the progression of their relationship was slow - but I kept on reading because of the focal point of the book - a woman's insecurity with her looks because of her weight. This almost became the undoing of Velma's relationship with Russ because she would question every compliment he gave her - thinking he was not genuine because in her eyes she did not measure up to any woman who was thinner. And Russ was conflicted with giving his love to someone who did not in fact love herself. Sticky situation, huh?! 

As the book went on, I began to think - other woman probably experience this as well. I for one am not one of them - life experiences have actually had an influence on me being more humble over the years - but I am not a small girl. Yes, I work out and yes, I want to lose weight if I gain it - but this is related to health and fashion. I spend a lot of money on my clothes, so why should I throw them away and buy a new wardrobe. Not a feasible solution - shedding the pounds always seems more realistic to me, but never have I once thought this man does not really like me because I am not an average weight - I have so many good qualities to offer a man, why would he focus on this?! Silly if you ask me.

HOWEVER, since I am currently unemployed, I often times feel like I should not look for a new relationship until I get myself situated first. Not saying I do not have enough to offer a man - BUT I am not looking for casual dating - I want a husband - therefore, I need to be settled in my career first, right?! Your thoughts? (What is even funnier to me is that I casually dated a man for over 2 years, yet he NEVER knew my employment status. Still not sure how I pulled this one off! BUT I am a firm believer not everyone needs to know your business - and he was someone I opted not to divulge much of the happenings of my life with.)

Anyways, this book reaffirmed my believe in self-love and me time. I tell my friends all the time - no matter what you must take time out for yourself to do what YOU want to do and just date YOU! I had never did this until the last few years - but I now find it refreshing. When you really take the time to love the skin you are in, you will exude confidence and you will eventually find someone who gives you the love you deserve. And if you do not like something about yourself, then change it if it is physically possible. Complaining about weight is a lost issue with me - work out, change your eating habits, get your thyroid checked - do what you need to do until you get the results you want.Working out with friends, having someone who motivates you is always a plus. Make it competitive and fun. If you are that unhappy with your weight, then that is something you have the power to change.

Would you date a man/woman if they were overweight? If you ask me, I would definitely tell you they are not my type - I have admitted to being shallow in the past and I am attracted to tall men with a muscular physique. This has not changed over the years and I have dated men who were not my type - BUT it took me getting to know them and identifying other qualities they had to offer before I developed interest. Sue me! 



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