Landmark Americana

I saved the best for last and ended the day with my parents for dinner. I always do dinner with them on my birthday no matter what - whether it be at home or at a restaurant. This is just a tradition we all tend to stick to and it never gets old. I wanted to go to a new restaurant (well new to me at least) and Jeannette recommended I try Landmark Americana - she said I would love it because they had all my favorite foods and boy was she right! Those buffalo wings were so good! And I changed it up just for her - instead of getting a burger I got pulled pork for my meal - how about those apples?! Ha! I know, I know - it is still American.

And check out the delicious cake from Bredenbeck's - chocolate chip - YUMMY! 

THANKS mommy & daddy for dinner! ANDDDDDDD THANKSSSSSS for my fabulous new watch! I have no idea how you guys knew exactly which one I wanted - that Price must have told you about our trip to Nordstrom's when we tried out different options to see what looked best on his auntie. ;)

And now I am IN bed on my birthday - completely content with that - I am still recovering from last night and I need to rest for my road trip tomorrow. ;)

Oh yeah - you may have remembered I have a brother - where is he might you ask?! Ohhhhh he's just down  at FAMU for his school's homecoming partying it up with his friend who has the same birthday as me. I guess I will just have to celebrate with him at a later date, huh?! Although he tells me I am too old to get excited for my birthday - next year I bet you he will be talking it up more than I am...hopefully, I will be on someone's island with a drink in hand in complete denial that I am leaving my 20s and FAR AWAY from all of his gags he has planned. One thing is for sure - I am going to guarantee I enjoy this last year of this phase of my life. ;)



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